Dear Food Company Leaders,
Last week, Congress passed legislation to create a national, mandatory GMO labeling system.
While USDA is developing the rules to implement this historic new law, we urge you to join Campbell's, Mars and Dannon by publicly committing to keep a GMO disclosure on your food packages.
In response to Vermont’s groundbreaking GMO labeling law, you have already changed your packages to disclose the presence of GMOs. Your consumers will be watching closely to see whether you continue to provide this basic factual information — and so will we.
Nine out of ten of your consumers want the right to know whether their food has been derived from genetic engineering. Now, thanks to Vermont’s legislature, American consumers have the same right as your consumers in 64 other nations.
Don’t deny consumers the right to know. Join Campbell’s, Mars and Dannon by publicly pledging to keep this simple disclosure on your packages.

Gary Hirshberg
Chairman, Just Label It