Tell Big Food: Support Mandatory FDA Labeling of GMOs

Conceal or Reveal

The Conceal or Reveal campaign was launched by Organic Voices to bring light to the companies that are funding state and federal efforts to block mandatory GMO labeling and to urge them to support mandatory FDA labeling. Coca-Cola, General Mills and other brands we love are spending millions to deny us the right to know what’s in our food and how it’s grown. This year alone, Coca-Cola has spent $5 million and General Mills spent $1.1 million lobbying in Washington, which includes trying to block mandatory FDA labeling of GMOs. Polls consistently show that more than 90% of Americans support GMO labeling and it is time for these companies to step up and support transparency for their consumers. Join us in telling Coca-Cola, General Mills and others to stop spending big bucks to block GMO labeling!